Monday, December 22, 2008

Recap from Friday

Our meeting on Friday went very well. We got to bounce many ideas off of each other. It was so nice to have other professionals to discuss topics and issues from my schools. We are planning on making No Name Calling Week a county wide event. There are many free lessons on the site that you may download and one document had several ideas of how to incorporate No Name Calling Week. Some examples are: reading messages over the intercom after the morning announcements, participating in art contest ( my art teachers are doing that), doing the lessons in our developmental guidance lessons. There is even talk about doing a county wide video of sorts..that might take a little longer to finish up but we might get to use it for next year! If you have any ideas please share them here! Thanks for everyone who came last Friday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

WVU Student Athlete DVD

Barbara sent out an email about these DVD's a little while ago and I noticed that I did not have them. I checked with Mrs. Richman and she had not received them either. I went to the website and requested last year as well as this years DVD and Dr. Atkins was very nice and sent them to me immediately. I have only got to watch a few of the DVD's but I think the middle school kids are really going to like them. The topics are:
Saying No to Drugs with Joe Alexander
The Importance of Education with Ashley Banks
Caring and Compassion with Halimah Bashir
Respect with Mike Dent
Self Confidence with Tito Gonzales
Courage and Responsibility with Alex Ruoff
Reputation with Liz Repella
Honesty with Wellington Smith
Humility and Behavior with Dorrell Jalloh

Here is the website if you want to check it out. They were sent to the Principal in the hopes that they were give them to who could use it. So you might want to check with them before you request a copy.
Also, if any of you have the DVD's and have used and let us know if they kids liked them, you found them helpful...etc

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No Name Calling Meeting

Several of us are getting together on Friday December 19th at 12:30 in the West Fairmont Middle School Conference room to discuss how we plan to implement No Name Calling Week in our schools. If you are interested please feel free to come and bring your laptops!
Here is the website if you want to learn more

Hello Fellow Counselors

Several of us talked about starting one of these last year. Linda actually did start one in another format that many of us found to difficult to navigate.

Today, I noticed in the Principal's meeting notes that the teachers/principals started a blog to help each other out. So I thought it was time to quit talking and start doing. So here is our blog!

It is very easy to get set up. You may set up an FREE account with blogger. You will need to do this if you actually want to post on it. If you are not comfortable with setting up an account, you may just hit the comment button on any posting, type in your comment and be sure to put your name in the box, then click on Anonymous. If you have an account then, it will post your comment and put your name automatically.

I have found that email seems to get lost or sent to the wrong account hopefully this will be a better way for us to stay connected.